Potionsmaking (May)

14 min read

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"How fascinating!" the professor exclaimed. "Some of you actually did your work. Wow, what an amazing achievement, something that most never actually manage! You'd think this was such a hard effort, with the number who succeed being so few, but hey -- this a dark magic academy, isn't it? I guess the number of students who get eaten just tends to increase as the days go by." The green-skinned professor shook his head.

"Anyway, you're now in the second term of potionsmaking, for whatever class you've signed up for. Congratulations for not blowing your head off in what is, essentially, an advanced chemistry class. You have my respect for the fact that you know how to follow simple directions. Really, it's impressive, more than most people can do." He bowed a little bit, then shifted some papers out of his smoke and started handing them out. "Here are some hold harmless forms for this month, because as you'll see, we're going to get into some really fun things. And by fun, I mean dangerous, of course."

PTS 101: Introduction to Potions

Helmy says:

"Okay! So, I told you all about the types of potions that can be made, or at least the major categories. Obviously, there are always going to be unusual, outlier potions, but we'll ignore those for now and assume that the major categories are what you'll work with."

He picked up a large laminated book from his desk, which was a reference to potionmaking plants that he'd made in his first year at the academy. It usually was in his arms when he was teaching anything about plants, and naturally he gravitated toward using it in the lesson. "The next step we're going to be learning about in this introductory course is what sort of plants are used in potions, and how you can find them in the greenhouses. I mean, we have all the obvious ones like aloe plants soothing injuries and so forth, but I'm talking about the down and dirty ones that really amp up the magical potency of a potion -- and as you know, the magic in a potion is where it gets a majority of its power from."

"I want you to select a plant and locate it in the greenhouse. Check it out, see how it grows, what stage the plant is in right now... as well as be sure to tell me which category of potion it goes with."

"So, to start, the healing potions. We have the Blotato, which is this root that's used in channeling growth, such as if you want to stimulate skin and muscle to grow back. They're in the Badder Greenhouse because the skin is toxic. Much simpler than that is the Mugwort plant, which is not only very common, but used in all sorts of basic healing potions."

"Next, the mind-altering potions. Your first option is the Shoulderblade Mushroom, which grows in the Bad Greenhouse. It's typically used to muffle and dull senses, like if you want to play with someone's ability to hear or see. Then you have the Coalcone, which has an enzyme in it that can be used to influence emotion, or sort of transfer emotion that wouldn't have been there."


"Then, the transformation potions. The Oozeleaf is a real awful smelling thing that stinks up the place like something died, but it's really good with aiding in transformation. It's in the Bad GreenhouseViolet Pinflowers are used in transformation potions that require a significant amount of growth, like if you were to grow wings or something."

"Finally, the death potions. Wormwood is very well known for being poisonous. Honestly, you could just add any sort of plant that's toxic into a death potion and it'll do the job. Yew is also very poisonous - nearly every part of it is, from the berries to the leaves."

Assignment - Pick a potion type, then locate one of the described plants in the greenhouses. ]

Cecelia | xod4ox | - 5
Aname | Cheeseoritos |
Glenda | zstew2 |
Wryzem | Iaminactive |
Finnick | EpicMickeyX | - 5
Elijah | cluelooser | - 3
Kieran | KuudereSenpai |
Helena | SnowyFox-Roxy | - 5

PTS 102: Introduction to Potions Herbs

Helmy says:

"All right, for the next assignment, you're going to be doing some more researching, and a little bit of creating. I've paired you guys up, and you're going to talk to your partner and figure out a potion that would help them. If you want an example, hmm... like, if you're a little bitch like Cal, Lucy and Orielle and try clinging to my partner like leeches, then maybe you'd want to make a courage potion, perhaps? Or a potion to not make you a little bitch. Whichever works best!"

"Like I said, this is just planning. We'll get to the actual creation of the potions in the last assignment, unless you lazy slackers decide to take that one off. I might be tempted to take off your head if that's the case."

[ Assignment: Design a potion that would benefit your partner. Don't make the potion yet, just design it. If your partner's not that active, look at their profile sheet and come up with something that would benefit them. ]

Chrono | BlueBlueFox | - 5
Lucy | thatpartwhereiart |

Malaya | RosaieI |
KID | olivetoart | - 4

Cal | AnimeNeko123 | - 5
Orielle | JayVerti | - 5

Ghost | Evil-Wren | - 5
Iantha | PokeFreak413 |

Aname | Cheeseoritos |
Elijah | cluelooser | - 3

Milo | SkyeDragons | - 5
Dezonia | Sailyonera | - 5

Iram | Inx9119 |
Glenda | zstew2 |

Scarlett | S-h-A-d-O-w--C-a-T | - 4
Nix | InsanityCreator | - 4

Rhapsody | kunehoGod |
Veil | NoxSilverlight |

Rozalin | Kittrex |
Hale | KingHush |

PTS 103: Potions and Ethics

Helmy says:

The professor clapped with delight. The reports that he'd gotten back (of the ones that he did, at least) had pleased him with their amusing content. "I think you're going to learn that this class is sort of like Trolololol 101. But you have nothing to complain about, because it's fun, isn't it?"

He put a pair of potions down on the student's desks. "These are very famous potions from a brew I studied back in my previous home. They're body switching potions, which means that you give the two potions to the two people you wish to have their bodies switched. It's like their brain was taken out of their body and put into the other's body. You can be the other half if you want, but it might be more fun to switch two unsuspecting people."

Assignment - Slip the two body switching potions to two victims and watch the chaos that happens ]

Alistair | KnightLycoris | - 5
Aname | Cheeseoritos |
Hock | Emete |
Glenda | zstew2 |
Lexie | Royal-Enchant |
Aerith | WolfHeaart |
Dezonia | Sailyonera |
Carston | vloid | - 5
Rozalin | Kittrex |
Cathrine | MoeMoe-Momo |

PTS 201: Healing Potions

Helmy says:

"All right, so we looked up the sort of basic plants that are used in healing. I guess I call them basic because while they are useful, they aren't channeling magic to get the job done, you know? So this next class is going to be about magical plants."

"Coalcones are really useful if you're going to be working on any sort of healing potion that handles mental illness, like depression. Just one drop of coalcone enzyme will allow you to make the emotions of another person completely malleable. This is, naturally, both a blessing and a curse, because you could really screw them up if you give them the wrong thing while they're malleable. I'd suggest mixing it with Vetiver."

"That's a plant that's used to calm anxiety and just bring someone into a sort of... I dunno, like a calm, relaxed state. There are plants that can make you happy, but sometimes it's better to just ease into feeling things again, you know what I mean?"

"Okay, so for this assignment, I want you to make a coalcone-based potion with a supplement that will change the emotions of a person, then find someone to give it to and see if it works. Angry people, depressed people, and those with severe anxiety are all benefited a lot by a potion with a coalcone and vetiver combination. Chrysanthemum works really well too."

Assignment - Administer a mental healing potion to a student in need ]

Zee | huniebl0d | - 5
Clement | TheLostArts | - 5

PTS 203: Advanced Potions Herbs

Helmy says:

The professor hummed as he looked over his book. "We're moving onto the mountains now, where you'll find a very interesting assortment of mosses, ferns, and liverworts. I also hear that a lot of shadowmancy plants live in the mountains too, but I'm not too concerned with those. They don't really have that much use in potionmaking because they don't tend to keep their form or potency, y'know?"

"I guess I should tell you now that the mountains tend to be chock full of dangerous animals and hungry man-eating plants, so you should probably go in a group, as you're less likely to be targeted as prey when you're in higher numbers. But I don't know, maybe you're ugly enough to scare them off." Not that the professor really cared if the students got killed.

He cracked his knuckles. "Anyway, I'm only sending you on an adventure for one type of mountain plant, because the area is so dangerous. It'll be growing on the banks of the underground river. It's impossible to miss - it's sort of a blueish color and it grows on the rocks right beside the river. Scrape some off and bring it back - perhaps you'll be interested to know that this particular plant is GREAT for any sort of potion that uses body morphing?"

SitkaNoriel | MichiYaslana | - 5
Clement | TheLostArts |
KID | olivetoart | - 5

PTS 401: Advanced Mind-Altering Potions

Helmy says:

"Okay! So, last month we focused on potions that cause hallucinations to the mind in the form of sight and smell. Next, we're going to be looking at auditory hallucinations and tactile hallucinations. Both of these are very fun, so put your fun hat on and get ready to entertain yourself.

You can cause tacile hallucinations.

Cold - upon drinking the potion, the victim will feel chilled
Hot - upon drinking the potion, the victim will feel overheated

You can cause auditory hallucinations.

Screaming - the victim will hear constant screaming for about thirty minutes.
Whispering - the victim will hear whispering for about thirty minutes.

Now, I'm going to ask you to pick one potion from each category, then make the potion according to these instructions and try them on a student. You know how this works by this point, right? So get mixing, then find some poor unfortunate soul to give them to."

Sangeen | lizziecat1279 |

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TheLostArts's avatar
Clement: *he's obviously feeling very awkward about the whole ordeal, as his gaze flutters every which way, but refuses to land on Helmy* ...I, ah, hope I'm not too late, but I've finished my Potions 201 assignment, sir. My apologies for taking so long.... I assure you that my future assignments will be done in a more timely manner.